CMA AGM and General Council

CMA AGM and General Council

The 158th Annual General Meeting will be held virtually on Saturday, May 31, 2025.

Annual General Meeting

The virtual Canadian Medical Association's (CMA) Annual General Meeting (AGM) includes live webcasting of all proceedings, secure online voting for those with voting privileges, and moderated question and answer (Q+A) capability. The AGM is open to all members, and is an opportunity for CMA members to hear cross-cutting themes across the CMA enterprise. Member proposals on corporate matters received 90 days prior to the AGM may also be considered at the AGM. The ceremonial installation of officers and presentation of awards also takes place.


Delegates are eligible to vote to appoint the auditors and approve bylaw amendments, to participate in the GC ratification elections and in the Q+A session.


Physicians interested in being conference delegates must:

  • Be a member of Doctors Nova Scotia and the CMA
  • Be informed on the current activities/initiatives of Doctors Nova Scotia and the CMA
  • Be able to commit the time required to attend the conference

Time commitment

The AGM will be held virtually on Saturday, May 31, 2025 from 12-4 p.m. AT. This session is open to all CMA members; however, only delegates are eligible to vote in the elections.

Financial commitment

Expenses incurred by delegates for attending the conference will be reimbursed in accordance with the Doctors Nova Scotia Honoraria and Expense Policy. The video/teleconference rate of $125/hour will be paid.

Selection process

The Executive Committee of the Board is responsible for reviewing and approving the list of Doctors Nova Scotia delegates. The Executive Committee will try to achieve the following complement of delegates to ensure a good cross-section of the membership is representing our interests at CMA General Council; however, this is only intended to be a guideline and may vary based on interest and delegate allotment:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Four Board members
  • One medical student
  • One resident
  • One member of the Policy & Health Issues Committee
  • Three members of Doctors Nova Scotia who have submitted an expression of interest

Expression of interest

Members interested in attending the CMA AGM as a Doctors Nova Scotia delegate should submit an Expression of Interest by April 14, 2025.


Sonia Abi Ajab
Executive assistant to the President and CEO