Forms and processes

Forms and processes

Following is a round-up of changes to forms (and where to find them) and process through red tape reduction work. Links have been added to help physicians find forms quickly online and whether the form is available within their EMR.

Updated Forms and Process Data
Initiative and web linkTypeDescriptionAvailable in EMRs?Estimated Annual Savings
as of March 31, 2024
Employment Support and Income Assistance Medical Assessment FormRevised formEfficiencies have been made to help clients access additional supports by improving the form completed by physicians. Additionally, this form now auto-populates within the EMRs with direct submission functionality to reduce completion time.Yes19,200 hours
Disability Support Medical FormEliminated formPhysicians no longer have to complete the Disability Support Medical Form.n/a290 hours
Medical Report on Adopting Applicant and the Medical Report on Foster Applicant FormsEliminated formPhysicians no longer have to complete a medical report for those applying to be adopted or fostered.n/a200 hours
Medical Status Report FormForm, partially eliminatedThe requirement was removed for individuals transitioning from hospital to long-term care. For those transitioning from community to long-term care, the form may be completed prior to admission and is no longer a requirement to be waitlisted.Yes100 hours
Adult Protection Medical Observation FormFormIt has been updated to remove sections that do not impact the overall quality of the assessment and it's now more user-friendly.Yes5 hours
Short-Term Disability FormRevised formA standardized short-term disability (STD) form has been developed. This standardized form means 28 different forms have become one.YesThe new STD form is 68% faster to complete, on average, when compared to  several of the former STD forms.
Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB) 8/10 Form, now the Primary and Emergency Care ReportRevised formThe form has been revised and added to the EMR.Yes

For family physicians, preliminary evaluation estimates is 40% faster to complete in the EMR.

For physicians completing it in the EMR versus on paper, the time savings climb to 67%.

Continuing Care Order and Referral formCombined formsA new combined Order and Referral Form for Continuing Care is available in the EMR.YesMeasurement underway
Medical Report for Adoption SubsidyEliminated formPhysicians no longer have to complete the Medical Report for Adoption Subsidy.n/aMeasurement underway
Medial Report for Voluntary Adoption PlacementEliminated formPhysicians no longer have to complete the Medical Report for Voluntary Adoption placement.n/aMeasurement underway
Paramedical Services - Physician ResponseNew formNew letter physicians can provide to patients requesting a referral in order to access paramedical services for the purpose of submitting an insurance claim on a private plan.YesMeasurement underway
Simplify the Maternal Serum Screening Process (IWK Health)Process & formA second trimester maternal serum screening test during pregnancy has been eliminated in favour of a single comprehensive test during the first trimester.n/a770 hours
Implement Mobile Primary Care Clinics (NSH)ProcessClinics aim to improve access to primary care services while also reducing demands on emergency departments across the province.n/a2,000 hours
Virtual HallwayProcessA pilot implementation of this technology delivered over 3,000 consults across three subspecialties to family physicians and resulted in an 82% reduction in unnecessary referrals.n/a1,300 hours
Streamline the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia's Complaints Investigation ProcessProcessThe complaints investigation process has been streamlined to reduce the burden for both provider and patient. Physicians will see a decrease in the time required for interviews regarding complaints.n/a1,180 hours
Introduction of the Atlantic Physician RegistryProcessThe creation of the Atlantic Physician Registry reduces red tape associated with licensing requirements and processes for physicians looking to practice in Nova Scotia.n/a770 hours
Streamline the Peer Review Process at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova ScotiaProcessThe peer review program has been streamlined to improve process efficiency. Peer reviews for family medicine have been paused in recognition of the present burden on primary care.n/a630 hours
Streamline SHARE (Secure Access Health Record) User Access Request ProcessProcessImprovements to streamline the onboarding process means physicians are now able to gain access to the system for lab, DI reports, etc., more quickly.No330 hours
Reduce Barriers to Gender-Affirming SurgeryProcessPatients seeking gender-affirming care no longer require two physician specialist referral letters.n/a300 hours