Travel/redeployment expenses

Travel/redeployment expenses

When a physician is asked by a health authority to travel to another hospital in the province more than one hour away, the physician will have their expenses reimbursed.

Whenever a physician is required in writing by Nova Scotia Health or IWK Health to travel for clinical work to locations other than the physician’s regular worksite(s), the Department of Health and Wellness will pay physicians for their travel-related expenses through the Health Authority Travel Program. 

Travel time must be more than one hour but within the province; and expenses claimed must be for costs incurred in Nova Scotia. 

The Health Authority Travel Program is available for:

  • satellite clinics, hub and spoke models, and functional redeployment as requested by a health authority (i.e., OR time, requested redeployment, etc.)
  • all other travel requested by a health authority

The Health Authority Travel Program is not available for:

  • locums (the provincial locum program has a travel provision)
  • a physician’s travel to their regular worksite(s)

Travel expenses include:

  • metreage from the physician’s residence or regular worksite, whichever is closest to the required non-regular work and return paid at the Nova Scotia Government metreage rate
  • per diem of $100/day, prorated by proportion of the day worked
  • accommodations at 100% to a maximum of $300/night
  • travel time at $100/hour to a maximum of 10 hours return trip (five hours each way)

For more information, see the Health Authority Travel Program Guidelines

Physicians who are doing clinical work required by the health authority and need a request in writing and approval for their work at non-regular sites, please email a request to the NSH Zone Medical Affairs Lead or the IWK Health VP of Medicine. 

How to be reimbursed

To be reimbursed for travel, approved physicians should complete a Travel Expense Claim Form and submit it to for review and payment. Email MSI at with any questions about the program. 


Jessica Moore
Compensation manager, Physician Agreement and Fee Schedule

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