Non-insured services

Doctor shaking a patient's hand

Non-insured services

Non-insured services are clinical services not covered by MSI. These include services that may not have ever been insured by MSI, as well as those that were once covered by MSI but aren’t covered any longer. Any service requested by a third party is a non-insured service, including administrative and committee work.

Resources for physicians and patients

Doctors Nova Scotia receives many requests from physicians looking for more information on non-insured services. The following may be of help to members:

  • Medical notes
    New legislation is in effect to limit employers sick note requests. For situations that fall outside of the legislation, physicians can use this template letter to inform employers about the impact of requiring medical notes from employees who miss work due to illness, and to request a change in the requesting company’s policy.
    Download medical notes template
  • Guidelines for Medical-Legal Reports (under review)
    Lawyers often ask physicians to provide medical-legal reports. This document outlines the obligations of the physician and lawyer, rules around payment and fees, and the type of content that should be included. These guidelines were agreed to jointly by Doctors Nova Scotia and the Nova Scotia Barristers
    Society and are currently under review.
    Download guidelines for medical-legal reports
  • NEW: Physicians' Guide to Billing for Non-insured Services
    This comprehensive guide is designed to help members carry out direct billing for non-insured services in an efficient and professional manner.
    Download the Physicians' Guide to Billing for Non-insured Services (2024)
  • Patient’s Guide to Non-insured Services: Services not paid by MSI
    This guide can be used to introduce or clarify non-insured services to patients.
    Download and print the Patient's Guide to Non-insured Services
  • Non-insured services poster
    This poster is suitable for display in waiting areas or examination rooms/offices to help introduce or reinforce the idea of non-insured services to patients.
    Download the non-insured services poster


Jessica Moore
Compensation manager, Physician Agreement and Fee Schedule