Election 2021: Stronger. Together.

Election 2021: Stronger. Together.

Doctors Nova Scotia believes that physicians and other system partners must work together to create solutions for health-care issues. We believe we are Stronger. Together.

Doctors Nova Scotia is working with the new PC government on behalf of physicians.

Doctors Nova Scotia key priorities:

  1. Post COVID-19 recovery
    Our province must harness the lessons learned from physicians, nurses and other providers to build a better health-care system. 
  2. Physician recruitment and retention
    All system partners must work together to ensure our province offers competitive compensation, healthy practice environments and community support. 
  3. Revitalizing primary care
    Our province must strike a Primary Care Task Force to create a shared vision and plan for primary health care in Nova Scotia.

Resources to support your advocacy

Doctors Nova Scotia is working with the new government to influence change on three key priorities: post-COVID-19 recovery, physician recruitment and retention, and revitalizing primary care.


Katie Mallam
Director, policy and physician wellness initiatives