

Members approved four motions at Doctors Nova Scotia’s 2024 annual general meeting.

2024 motions

The following motions were approved by members at the 2024 DNS AGM on Saturday, June 8.  


Dr. Shelly McNeil was endorsed as the association’s President-elect for 2024–25. Dr. McNeil is an experienced, highly respected and trusted leader in the medical community. She has completed several formal leadership programs, including the Doctors Nova Scotia Physician Leadership Development Program. In her position as the Senior Medical Director of the Emerging and Re-emerging Infections Network with Nova Scotia Health, Dr. McNeil played a critical role in guiding the province’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She currently serves as Chair of the Department of Medicine’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Reconciliation and Accessibility Committee.

By-laws revision: Changing clinical assistants to associate physicians 

A motion to amend the by-laws was approved to change the term clinical assistants to associate physicians. This reflects a change made by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia (CPSNS), which, in recognition of their training and their clinical responsibility, now refers to clinical assistants as associate physicians. This change also aligns with the nomenclature used by other jurisdictions in Canada.

Protecting the health of Palestinians in Gaza 

A member motion recommending the adoption and support of the World Medical Association (WMA) resolution on the protection of healthcare in Israel and Gaza, from the 226th WMA Council session held April 2024.

Gender bias in remuneration 

The member motion was approved that asks DNS to conduct a comprehensive gender-based analysis of fee codes, remuneration methods and pay relativity to identify gender disparities and develop a plan to promote fair and equitable compensation for all physicians.

Implementation of motions

If approved at the AGM, a motion to revise association bylaws motion will come into effect immediately. All other resolutions approved at the AGM will be reviewed by the Board of Directors in the year following the AGM. 

The Board is responsible for identifying implications and determining the association’s ability to carry out the resolution. The Board will take the following factors into consideration: 

  • alignment with the strategic plan and direction 
  • financial resources required 
  • staff resources required 
  • best interests of the association 
  • legal implications 
  • alignment with best practices in business and governance  


Charmaine Smith
Director, corporate services