News Releases

Dartmouth, NS – Nova Scotia physicians will meet this weekend, as part of Doctors Nova Scotia’s annual conference, to discuss prescription drug misuse and how physicians can take leadership.

This career choice isn’t for everyone but there are many tactics that can help maximize a doctor’s clinical abilities.
Thirty-two years ago, Dr. David Cudmore moved to Antigonish, N.S., in search of new medical experiences.When he arrived, he instantly felt a connection to the small university town, its hospital and the people who live in the area.
Whether they are making a point of taking their prenatal vitamins, making healthy choices at the grocery store or ensuring they fit in half an hour of exercise a day, moms work hard to help their families stay healthy.
Doctors’ Day is May 1. It’s a day dedicated to celebrating Nova Scotia’s doctors and the important work they do to improve the lives of all Nova Scotians.

On your marks, get set…

Can you believe it? It’s only six weeks until Blue Nose weekend.

The doctor-patient relationship is special. Growing and strengthening over many years, it allows family physicians to become well acquainted with a patient’s medical history – contributing to an exceptional level of care in important areas like chronic disease management and mental health.
Children are spending less and less time being active. In fact, only about 7 percent of Canadian kids get enough exercise.
A card, a dozen roses and a box of chocolates: it must be Valentine’s Day. A card, a dozen roses and a box of chocolates: it must be Valentine’s Day.
Every year more than 25,000 Canadians are admitted to hospital due to influenza, and more than 400 die due to complications.
On this day, every year, men and women gather in living rooms to banter, cheer, and watch some of the best football and live performances of the year. If you’re planning on hosting a Super Bowl party this weekend, we’re here to help you with the most important part – the menu!
Water does a number of great things for our bodies. In addition to cushioning our joints, removing toxins through our kidneys and bowels, protecting our spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, it keeps our muscles energized so we can move strongly and freely each day.
Nobody likes getting a needle, and once you’ve had your childhood immunizations, it’s tempting never to get another jab.
Dr. Cameron takes great pride in the relationships he builds with his patients and the level of care he is able to provide as a result. It’s those long-lasting relationships that allow him to stay actively involved in his patients’ lives, providing care at various life stages and watching his patients develop over time.
Nova Scotians are natural enthusiasts, and sometimes we tend to over indulge in life’s simple pleasures, like incredible food, good music, dancing and, yes, the occasional beverage.

Dartmouth, NS – Physicians welcomed Dr. John Sullivan as the new President of Doctors Nova Scotia. The Halifax cardiovascular surgeon was installed during the association’s annual conference on Saturday, May 31 in Halifax.

Media advisory

Halifax, N.S. – Health and Wellness Minister Leo Glavine will join Doctors Nova Scotia's new President Dr. John Sullivan and CEO Nancy MacCready-Williams at an event to celebrate 10 years of the Kids’ Run Club.

Halifax, NS - Patients waiting for orthopedic surgery received good news today, April 28, as Health and Wellness Minister Leo Glavine announced an investment to help reduce orthopedic wait times.

Halifax, N.S. – May 1 is Doctors’ Day in Nova Scotia, a day to thank your doctor for the care you receive.