2020 AGM agenda

2020 AGM agenda

166th Annual General Meeting – Halifax

Saturday, October 17, 2020 – 10:00am

Dr. André Bernard, Chair, Doctors Nova Scotia Board of Directors


Members joining by webinar must be logged on by 9:50 am in order to vote


1.         Procession   


2.         Call to Order …………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………. 15 mins

             2.1      Opening of Annual General Meeting

             2.2      Review Conduct of Meeting

             2.3      Approval of Agenda


3.         Proceedings from June 8, 2019 Annual General Meeting  


4.         Moment of Silence in Memory of Deceased Members 


5.         Approval of Annual Report


6.         Canadian Medical Association Address…………………………………………...……………...…………... 20 mins


7.         Audit Committee Report - Dr. Gerard MacDonald, Chair, Audit Committee……….….…...…….. 30 mins

             7.1   Review Audited Financial Statements for 2018/19

             7.2   Dues Increase effective September 2021


8.         Nominating Committee Report – Dr. Robyn MacQuarrie, Chair, Nominating Committee …. 10 mins

             8.1      President-Elect

             8.2      2020-21 Board of Directors


9.         Approval of New Sections………………………………………………………………..…………………………… 5 mins

             9.1   Section of Clinical Associates

             9.2   Section of Physicians for Indigenous Health


10.      2019-20 Award Recipients


11.      Other Business


12.      Announcements


13.      Adjournment 


The Members’ Forum will begin immediately following the business meeting.