stethascope on top of paper on top of keyboard
March 21, 2024

N.S. doctor waitlist continues to grow

CTV Atlantic

More than 156,000 people in Nova Scotia are on the family physician waitlist.

a stethascope lays across a stack of file folders
March 21, 2024

Doctors Nova Scotia concerned about proposed changes to health information law


The organization that represents more than 3,500 physicians, medical students and residents in Nova Scotia is concerned with provisions in legislation introduced by the minister of finance on March 5 as part of the budget process.

Doctors Nova Scotia said clauses in the Financial Measures Act to amend the Personal Health Information Act would grant the minister of health and her department expanded access to the health records of Nova Scotians.

shelf of filed medical folders
March 21, 2024

Nova Scotia doctors say minister's request for personal health info is too broad | Information Morning - Cape Breton with Steve Sutherland | Live Radio | CBC Listen

CBC Listen

New changes to the Privacy and Health Information Act could mean divulging your personal health records to the health minister. 

stethascope layed across paper ontop of laptop keyboard
March 19, 2024

Nova Scotia’s family doctor shortage to persist

Halifax Examiner

Why aren’t there more family doctors? Two-and-a-half years after the Houston government came to power on a promise to “fix” health care, there are now 150,047 people registered on the aptly named wait list called “needafamilypractice.” The province continues to spend tens of millions of dollars annually on efforts to retain and recruit family doctors and nurses.