Professional Development

Physician Leader Identity: How Being Affects Doing

Should leaders to be true to themselves - or does this impede their ability to respond to the challenges of leadership? In this session, we will explore how temperament, values and experiences shape a leader's identity. Drawing upon a cognitive-behavioral framework, we will consider how leaders' cognitive schemata arise from their core values and self-concept, and how this influences the choices they make in their leadership roles. We will discuss how society's view of what a physician leader should be like has changed over time (or not), and how this may affect the credibility of some leaders more than others. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on their own leader identity and consider how they can act authentically in their leadership practice while still being flexible and open to making necessary changes.

After the session participants will be able to:
•    Explain the concept of leader identity.
•    Explain how models of physician leadership in medicine have evolved over time.
•    Reflect upon their own identity as leaders and how this shapes their practice of leadership.                

About the Speaker
Dr. Lara Hazelton is a professor and director of education for the Dalhousie Department of Psychiatry. She has been a psychiatrist for over 25 years and currently practices community mental health at the Cobequid Health Centre in Lower Sackville, NS. She has a Master of Education from Acadia University and worked in faculty development at Dalhousie’s faculty of medicine from 2013 – 2024.  Dr. Hazelton has written extensively on topics related to medical education and leadership and is the host of the Faculty of Medicine podcast, Leadership PRN.

Event Details

Event Cost

Event Location

Nova Scotia Health
1465 Breton Street
Halifax NS B3J 3T3