Information Session

Let's Talk Informatics: NSH Alternate Level of Care Designation

In this session will delve into a crucial initiative within Nova Scotia Health (NSH) - the Provincial Alternate Level of Care (ALC) Designation Project.

This project has been initiated to standardize the ALC designation process across all acute care settings within NSH, including how we define an ALC patient and how an ALC designation is documented. A consistent ALC designation process is required to ensure accurate reporting of ALC data for agile operational decision-making to improve access and flow for patients and families.

Health-care providers, physicians, data entry/ward clerks, and anyone interested in the future of health informatics and patient care within Nova Scotia are encouraged to attend. This session promises to be an informative experience, offering valuable insights into improving our health care system's efficiency and responsiveness to the needs of our patients and their families. Your participation is a step forward in sharing best practices and enhancing our collective knowledge in health informatics.

Guest presenters

Phu'o'ng Nguyen
Network Leader, Planning, Development & System Performance Integrated Access & Flow Network

Danielle Pinkney-MacQuarrie
Senior Policy Analyst, Integrated Access & Flow Network

Event Details

Event Cost