News Coverage

News Coverage

Health care is often in the news in Nova Scotia. Doctors Nova Scotia’s members are outspoken advocates for improving health care in the province. Whether they’re offering an opinion on a medical issue or calling for system reform, Nova Scotian physicians are trusted sources.



stethascope resting on top of paper

Patients ‘definitely worried’ as Dartmouth walk-in clinic closes doors

Global News
prescription pad on a white desk with a stethascope ontop of the pad

Dartmouth, N.S., walk-in medical clinic to close

people sit and stand in a waiting room

'We tried our best,' says doctor as Dartmouth walk-in prepares to close

CBC News, Nova Scotia
stethascope on top of paper on top of keyboard

N.S. doctor waitlist continues to grow

CTV Atlantic
a stethascope lays across a stack of file folders

Doctors Nova Scotia concerned about proposed changes to health information law

shelf of filed medical folders

Nova Scotia doctors say minister's request for personal health info is too broad | Information Morning - Cape Breton with Steve Sutherland | Live Radio | CBC Listen

CBC Listen
stethascope layed across paper ontop of laptop keyboard

Nova Scotia’s family doctor shortage to persist

Halifax Examiner
stethascope sits on prescription note pad

Is the N.S. government fixing health care? Minister says ‘we’re getting there’

Global News


Barb Johnson
Senior communications advisor