Force majeure/income stability

Force majeure/income stability

In the event of another pandemic or in situations when fee for service or hourly-paid specialists experience income loss due to factors beyond their control.

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, surgical services were cancelled or postponed for long periods to create capacity for COVID-19 patients. 

Fee-for-service specialists suffered as a result. Starting with this contract, temporary APPs will be available for physicians who bill fee for service or are paid by the hour who experience sustained income loss due to factors beyond their control. This program is available to procedural-based physicians who are unable to deliver their typical procedures and for whom virtual care is impractical or inadequate, with no other reasonable alternatives. 

The program will be available once the physician has experienced a sustained (four weeks or more) drop in billings to 80% or below normal, based on a facility basis. When billings exceed 80% for four weeks or more, the physician will no longer be eligible. Physicians have the choice to opt in to the program and may opt out again upon providing notice. 

The rates would match the APP rate in effect where applicable (for example, Anesthesia, Obstetrics/Gynecology, General Surgery). If there is no APP rate, the closest or most appropriate APP rate will be used. Surgical assistants are also eligible for this program.

See page 27, section (15) of the 2023 Physician Agreement for more details (link below).


Jessica Moore
Compensation manager, Physician Agreement and Fee Schedule

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