Long-term care

Long-term care

The 2023 recognizes the complexity of care required in long-term care and therefore rates will be increased and streamlined.

The contract includes immediate and significant fee code adjustments: 

  • Increased rates: The rates for LTC visits will be increased and streamlined, and will now pay 21.3 MSU for daytime visits (with higher rates for after-hours care), regardless of whether the visit is with the first or a subsequent patient seen on any given day. 
  • Same visit rate, no differential: There will no longer be a fee differential between the first and subsequent visits when providing care in a nursing home setting. 
  • Complex patients: Multiples will now be available to compensate family physicians when longer visits are required in LTC facilities to address more complex patient needs 

In addition, NSH and the Department of Seniors and Long-Term Care have jointly engaged a consulting firm that has work well underway to develop recommendations on primary care in LTC facilities. That work is expected to include recommendations for both after-hours call as well as daytime care needs. Those recommendations are not expected until late summer 2023, but compensation changes arising out of those recommendations will be considered and potentially implemented by the provincial government following the ratification of the Physician Agreement.


Jessica Moore
Compensation manager, Physician Agreement and Fee Schedule

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